How Do You Tell If You Have an Oral Fixation?

Many people unknowingly develop mouth habits that signal an oral fixation, which can harm dental health. Dental clinic in Saskatoon explains how these habits affect teeth. Here, we cover oral fixation signs, symptoms, health implications, and the importance of early intervention for a healthy smile.

What Is an Oral Fixation? 

An oral fixation involves frequent mouth-related habits like chewing or biting for comfort. These habits, which many people keep up into adulthood, can harm tooth health and cause problems if they aren’t fixed as soon as possible.

Signs of oral fixation include: 

  • Chewing gum a lot
  • Biting nails
  • Smoking
  • Eating too much
  • Putting things in the mouth often

When people are concerned or worried, they can take part in these behaviours. Some habits can affect teeth health. A dentist in Mount Royal can check if these habits are harming your teeth.

Psychology of Thumb Sucking in Adults 

Most people think only kids suck their thumbs. But some adults do it too. This can be a sign of oral fixation and might show other issues.  Adults might suck their thumb because:

  • It helps them feel less stressed
  • It makes them feel safe
  • It helps with worry
  • It reminds them of being a child

If thumb sucking is hurting your teeth, a dentist can help. But you might also need to talk to a doctor about why you do it.

How to Know If You Have an Oral Fixation 

It can be hard to tell if you have an oral fixation. Here are some things to look for:

  • Always wanting to do something with your mouth
  • Finding it hard to relax without using your mouth
  • Using your mouth to feel better when stressed
  • Feeling worried when you can’t do mouth habits 

You should consult with a doctor if you observe these symptoms. You can also find out if these habits are harmful to your teeth from a Saskatoon dentist.

How Oral Fixation Affects Teeth

Oral fixation habits can cause problems for your teeth. Some issues include:

  • Worn down teeth from too much grinding or chewing
  • Sore jaw from chewing gum too much
  • More cavities from eating too often
  • Damaged tooth coating from biting nails

Regular dental check-ups can aid in the early detection of these issues.

Ways to Manage Oral Fixation

If you think you have an oral fixation, try these tips: 

  • Notice when you do mouth habits most
  • Find other ways to relax, like deep breathing
  • Use better options, like sugar-free gum instead of smoking
  • Talk to a doctor about your feelings

When dealing with oral fixation, you must consider both your feelings and your teeth.

Why Oral Fixation Matters for Health

Mouth habits aren’t the only part of oral fixation. It can also affect your overall health. Certain habits, like smoking or overeating, can lead to serious health problems. Others, like nail biting, can spread germs. Dental health can also be affected by oral fixation, which can lead to worn teeth, mouth pain, or tooth decay. Dealing with these habits early on is important.

Breaking Oral Fixation Habits

Breaking oral fixation habits can be challenging, but it’s possible. Here are some steps to help:

  • Keep a journal of when you do these habits
  • Find a replacement activity for your hands
  • Practice mindfulness to be more aware of your actions
  • Seek support from friends or family
  • Consider professional help if needed

Keep in mind that behavioural changes require time. Be patient with yourself as you work on it.

When to See a Professional

Sometimes, oral fixation habits are hard to break on your own. It’s okay to ask for help. You might want to see a professional if: 

  • Your habits are causing dental problems
  • You can’t stop the behaviour on your own
  • The habit is affecting your daily life
  • You feel anxious when trying to stop

A mental health expert can assist with the emotional aspect of oral fixation. For dental concerns, regular check-ups with a dentist are important. 

Expert Care for Oral Fixation Concerns in Saskatoon

Understanding oral fixation is an important step in taking care of your health. If you’re worried about how your mouth habits might be affecting your teeth, we’re here to help. Hampton Village Dentistry, a reputable dentist in Saskatoon, provides comprehensive dental care to meet all of your requirements. Do not let oral fixation affect your smile. 

Schedule an appointment with our professional team now and begin your journey to better oral health.